Those already advanced
Some of these factors include: Time of day, the duration of the tennis training session, how much time is required on the court, how much time can be devoted to strength training, the age of the athletes, the equipment available and do the athletes know how to use the gym. When they should start adding plyometric exercises to their sessions. It is often easier to say when you shouldn't do one. What is this you may ask? Well, basically exercise physiologists will conduct a needs analysis for an athlete prior to designing a specific program for them. This also applies to individuals and not just squads.
The reason is that during the in-season the intensity of match play will take a toll on the body both mentally and physically. There are various factors to take into account in deciding on when to perform weight training in relation to on-court tennis training. It is also essential as a precursor to starting plyometrics training. Set goals with reviews to analyse the success of the program and implement changes if required. Strength training before Power Training! I have even seen tennis coaches continue to push their players through a plyometrics training session even while these young athletes complained that their knees were hurting. One favourite piece of equipment to use on the road was the stretch or elastic bands.
During the post season is when you will want to rest, recover, refresh and deal with any possible injuries. During the competitive season you will want to reduce the volume by decreasing the number of sets and repetitions and maintain the current weight with a slight increase if needed. Allow for the athlete to recover in between their gym session and their tennis session with adequate rest and proper nutrition to boost energy levels for their next session. As far as conducting a weight session specifically devoted to strength training; I feel that it should be conducted separate from the tennis session. Strength and power equals bigger and more penetrating shots. That is not back to back. Consistency combined with strength will allow for a player to tactically beat an inferior player on a physical level. During the pre-season you will want to begin with a progressive strength training session that builds up to a power training program that leads into the competitive season.
The structure of an in-season training session on-court would depend on when your next game would be. Of course, if you are looking for one simple answer as to when they should do a weight session you are not going to get one. The key is to have several hours rest between the two sessions. You will often notice that young players under twelve will win matches based on consistency and if these players do not grow then they will be gradually swamped and over powered by the players who do grow and increase their strength.Strength training should be implemented into a tennis squad training program to assist the players in developing more power in their shots and thus improving their game.
Frisbee Conduct a needs analysis. This needs analysis will test the athlete for their: current flexibility, strength, power, speed, agility, assess current injuries, assess potential barriers for the athlete, equipment they use, their nutrition, what phase of training they are in (in-season, off season), their goals and more. It is important to maintain a regular strength training program with at least two to three sessions a week.
Also, during the on-court sessions you will naturally be performing plyometric exercises when you lunge for a ball, performing the split-step or performing the continuous bounding and jumping movements that are required in setting up for a shot. By that i mean some athletes prefer to do weights in the morning and some at night. . Don't try to conduct a weight training session immediately before or after a tennis session, don't complete a session in the gym on the day of a match, don't add new exercises into a routine the day before a match as it will likely cause muscle soreness and finally; create an individualised weight training program for each athlete. These factors must all be taken into account before deciding on how and when to conduct your strength training sessions. This can be discouraging to players who once relied on their consistency to win. One program does not fit all! You should plan ahead and know what type of tennis session you will conduct that day and whether or not you are in the pre-season, in-season or off-season.
Create a stretching and warm-up program specific for tennis. Losing will obviously discourage a young athlete so show them ways to improve their game not only on the court bust also off the court with strength training, power training, improving their speed, agility, flexibility, nutrition, mental toughness and every other facet of tennis. Develop a program based on the equipment available. Strength training sessions would involve using a gym at the hotel or tennis centre following the guidelines of maintaining their strength without any new and radical changes that cause injury or soreness. You can create a full body program that can be conducted in a hotel room or on the court. After a needs analysis they will: Design a program with specific goals for the weight the athlete should use; the number of repetitions and sets; the rest between sets; which muscles to use and in what order; whether or not to include super sets, etc. There is some evidence suggesting that a light warm-up using weights prior to a tennis session can help in better preparing athletes physically and thus preventing soft-tissue injuries. If your off season is quite long then you can structure your program to allow for those weaker athletes to spend more time in the gym building their basic strength before starting some plyometrics training.
For example, if you are coaching a college tennis team where you have more flexibility with their training schedules, your athletes could complete a gym session in the morning before the team tennis session in the afternoon which is when most tennis squads train. As stated at the start of this article strength training is essential for all advanced tennis players and will improve a player's game. I have spoken to a number of tennis coaches over the years who have used a light-weight training session using dumbbells before they head out onto the courts. If the player went out or lost earlier in the tournament then we would increase the emphasis on their physical conditioning as we had more time before their next match. Communicate with the coach as to what stage each athlete is at with their strength development When I trained professional players we had to work with a whole new set of rules due to their travel commitments and the fact that they were always recovering and preparing for their next tournament.
Those already advanced can be introduced into a plyometric training program earlier where possible. They feel that this fifteen minute session prepares their athletes better and also assists in preventing injuries as their muscles, tendons and ligaments are ready for the explosive movements that they will face while on the tennis court. Too often we see inexperienced trainers and coaches making their young players perform these high-impact power training exercises that have more of a negative impact on the athlete than a positive one. You obviously don't want to be introducing any new exercises or power training sessions the day before or the day of a match. It is therefore your role as a coach to advise the player on when they should start strength training and explain to them how this will help them to better compete against these stronger opponents. An athlete's progression and longevity in sport will depend on whether or not they enjoy playing and competing. Lunges are one exercise that will cause major discomfort to a young and underdeveloped player.