Always get your victims to focus on theory
9. Cite the Law of Bureaucracy they follow: Nothing is ever accomplished by being reasonable." 3. Be bold, loud. Most will feel they've been suckered, and be too embarrassed to make a lot of noise about their misfortunes (of dealing with you). 11. Maybe $49, say, for a tape, DVD, and / or an information kit of some kind. Create enough distractions to mesmerize these people, put them to sleep over endless, meaningless detail. Make your pitch to groups of people who have had faith, trust, and American Way values instilled in them from birth. This, on the premise that, once the sucker has paid a bit of his required dues,, it's easier to squeeze more out 14. When their minds stray from this, fog their attention, get it away from any kind of evidence which can be measured." It fortifies him with an automatic defense against his critics. 4.) It's all a head shaker. Light a fire under your sucker-audience. .
Many groupings of senior citizens, religious types, family farmers fill this bill. 7.. (If you, as a potential participant, pay heed to the urgings of these discombobulated people, it would be like listening to a rap group named, Insane Clown Posse. Give them a--"ho hum, just routine"--document to sign. Or, hide your disclaimer in a nondisclosure agreement, in the smallest of small print you can arrange with your printer to crank out. Talk about your valiant battles with some government bureaucracy or private organization Get them stomping mad and eager to join you in your crusade against "them.) 6.
Massage ball 5. Dispensing learned counsel in rapid-fire bursts, talk bravely about your battles with the bad guys trying to steal, or bury, your ideas. These are your primary targets 10.
Freely and frequently threaten your detractors with lawsuits. 13. Get them, as a group, ready to go bear hunting with a stick.) 12. And, importantly, it provides an excuse for future delays, gives him time to run for cover when everything collapses. Once you do sort it out and finally understand how to zero in on all of these traits and mannerisms, the working pattern of the con artist will be clearly spelled out for you. 1. Get your sucker-audience to focus on some elaborate conspiracy, one dedicated to stomping on courageous visionaries like yourself--you, the con man, being the one who is able to cut through the enemy's monopoly and use his investors' funds wisely to bestow benefits upon them--earn money, save money, awards, merits, fame--never before dreamed possible. Accomplishing this enables him to fully exploit his con game in all of its ramifications. Cite examples of their misdeeds. Why? Because it gives the scam artist "cover. You must have your investors forfeit their rights to legal action any way you can. 15. It exonerates him from past failures. Overall, a well-developed conspiracy theory is a great rallying theme. Whip them into a frenzy, figuratively ready to chase a tornado in a convertible with the top down. ("Do you see how they infiltrate?" you will ask of your remaining, loyal followers.
The best scams are built around conspiracy theories. Stick closely to the scam artist's parable: To thine own self be true, and lie like hell to everyone else. Trying to cut through the haze and figure the con man's' psychological approach is much like being forced into making a choice between having double vision and hearing a constant echo. Fearlessly claim that you will shred, obliterate, destroy your records before you will permit the indignity of allowing these to fall into "their" hands. It is only then that you will be in the best position to protect yourself from any kind of curve ball he will throw your way. They afford the ultimate shell game. Don't fear investors who defect. Enlist a small group of the most gullible to help you recruit the rest. It blends like minds, mutual resolve, shared purpose, goals. 2. Make your claims and proclamations to all who will hear. There will always be some. Now, get your foot in the door. Be the true crusader in every way.
In addition to your "base" enemy, faceless government agencies of many types also make good whipping boys. There is, therefore, a set of basic rules the scam artist follows in producing this highly-desired atmosphere of "communal harmony" to embellish his "pitch. Tire them to the point where they will do anything to avert further debate, if only to stay awake. Good mind game. It breeds collective paranoia. Say you are not in this for the money. These must also be made out to be "the enemy" you must bravely fight. 8. Hence, these are those rules-of-the-game he follows, rules to watch for, in order to protect yourself to the fullest. (This is especially important when trying to pawn off worthless, hi-tech junk. Shoot for only a small, initial amount of up-front money.
Always get your victims to focus on theory and abstractions. People tend to think something so transparently out in the open could not possibly be a fly-by-night undertaking. But, it's worth the effort. It will make a high percentage of them run for the tall grass, shut their mouths in fear. Bury all attacks against you in a wave of minutia. If the victims fully subscribe to your hogwash, they will earn Brownie points along the way. Among other preferred groups are those already pre-conditioned to accepting conspiracy theories, like those who believe in the Flat Earth Society railings against Round-Worlders, in UFO cover-ups, and JFK assassination plots. Piously proclaim your altruistic intent: to save humanity. With the few who will protest too loudly, call them agents of the "Big Conspiracy" operating against you. In other words, it creates the perfect stage setting from which to operate. Pull this out from under a pile of documents, as if it is so insignificant it almost got lost.